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[PC Game] Dragon Ball Z Kakarot (CODEX)

dragon ball z kakarot is a 3d dragon ball z game published by bandai namco, being the first on the pc, ps3, ps4, xbox one, wii u and 3ds in the dragon ball franchise. it will be released in europe on october 16th, 2015. dragon ball z kakarot will be available in japan on october 10th, 2015.

[PC Game] Dragon Ball Z Kakarot (CODEX)

dragon ball z kakarot, is based on the manga and anime series of the same name. dragon ball z kakarot will be available in europe on october 16th, 2015. dragon ball z kakarot will be available in japan on october 10th, 2015.

dragon ball z kakarot : the legendary dragon ball is about to be released on our planet!! the dragon balls are scattered all over the world and when they are gathered together, the door to the whole world will open to you! to gather all the dragon balls and open the door to the whole world, you must play the game of dragon ball z kakarot.

you can control your game and make your opponent fight or run away from you! if you defeat your opponent, you will gain a lot of exp and it will help you to get closer to opening the door to the whole world.

pentru ca dragon ball z kakarot este mai mult decat doar un game, inainte de toate este vorba despre o furtuna de succes. luigi gioffre, art director al game-ului, a reamintit ceea ce oamenii au dorit sa aiba cu ce sa se mearga in timpul primelor date. dragon ball z kakarot este o reeditare a dragon ball z. a fost dezvoltat in parteneriat cu toei animation. am avut si noi parte si am pus un sac din pix pe masa de design. si tocmai intrucat o facem azi, am vrut sa facem o furtuna. de-abia a inceput sa lucreze. am avut o colaborare excelenta, il vedeti intr-un film. a fost foarte frumos sa lucram cu ei, am avut o luna si jumatate de timp pana la asta, dar am vrut sa facem ceva care sa fie frumos si sa ne facem o furtuna. a fost unul dintre cele mai frumoase lucruri pe care le-am facut pana acum."


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